What is GAPSAC?
GAPSAC is an association of accrediting organizations for elementary and secondary nonpublic schools in Georgia. GAPSAC’s primary focus is to oversee the accreditation of affiliated private schools of member organizations as charged by the State Board of Education. GAPSAC is guided and administered by a Board of Directors, composed of a representative from each member organization and one representative selected by the State Board of Education.
The founding member organizations are as follows:

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)

Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS)

Accrediting Association of Seventh-Day Adventist Schools (SDA)
Only not-for-profit organizations with evidence of a 50l(c)(3) status can be a member of GAPSAC and the school membership within each accrediting association must be non-profit schools, either affiliated with a religious body or operating under a 501(c)(3) status.
Specific purposes for which GAPSAC was organized
The provision of:
A framework for approving the school accreditation programs of the member organizations;
Communication and cooperation between various groups of private elementary and secondary schools, between such schools and their public school counterparts, including various branches and agencies of State and local governments and other State educational organizations.
The encouragement of diversity in education.
The enhancement of opportunities for more families to have a realistic choice among schools for their children.
The encouragement of a commitment to excellence in education.
The fostering of a closer sharing by private schools in the State’s educational tasks.
Georgia State Board of Education Recognition:
Recognition was granted to the Georgia Private School Accreditation Council (GAPSAC) in a formal resolution from the Georgia State Board of Education on August 13, 1998.