GAPSAC Constitution
Article I – Name
Article II – Purposes
The goals for which the Council is organized are:
1. The provision of:
- a framework for approving the school accreditation programs of the member organizations
- communication and cooperation between various groups of private elementary and secondary schools, between such schools and their public-school counterparts, including various branches and agencies of State and local governments and other State educational organizations.
2. The encouragement of diversity in education.
3. The enhancement of opportunities for more families to have a realistic choice among schools for their children.
4. The encouragement of a commitment to excellence in education.
5. The fostering of a closer sharing by private schools in the State’s educational tasks.
Article III – Members
Section 1
Members shall be such associations, corporations, and other organizations in Georgia as may be invited by two-thirds vote of the Board members of the Council to be represented in the membership of the Council and (1) are affiliated with or represent elementary and secondary private schools; (2) subscribe to a policy of admission of students without regard to race, color, or national origin; (3) are operated for educational purposes, and (4) are affiliated with a religious organization or are organized on a “not for profit” basis.
Section 2
Section 3
Each member which has one or more member schools in Georgia shall be represented at Annual and Special Meetings of the membership by a Director designated by that member organization or by proxy signed by the President or other head of such organization. The representation of a majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum. Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote at such meetings, and the votes of a majority of those represented and voting shall be sufficient to carry any motion or decision.
Section 4
Section 5
Article IV – Directors
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Article V – Offices
Article VI – Miscellaneous
Section 1
Except as the Directors may generally or in particular cases; authorize the execution thereof in some other manner, all checks, drafts, and other obligations made, accepted, or endorsed by the Council shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer
Section 2
Section 3
Article VII – Amendments
Article VIII – Duration
The duration of the Council shall be perpetual.
Dated the 7th day of July 1997
Revised 3 May 2022